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The Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of York County
Elected Officers
- Chair - Chad Baker
- Vice Chair - Lisa Kennedy
- Secretary - Isaac Riston
- Treasurer - A. McMillan
State Committee Members
- Lisa Kennedy
- Blade Kline
- Kathleen Lucas
- Archie Palmore
- Brian Stetler
- Ryan Supler
- Sandra Thompson
Standing Committee Members
- Communications/Marketing Chair - VACANT
- Finance & Fundraising - VACANT
- Campaigns & Elections - VACANT
Regional Directors
- Bernie Flinchbaugh
- Elsbeth Bupp
- Kathleen Lucas
- Steve Musser
- Janet Winters
At Large Members
- Samantha Schlundt
Our 10 Regions
The Democratic Party of York County is divided into 10 geographic regions to better organize and assist candidates up and down the ballot. Regional Directors oversee this work in each area; their names can be found on this page. The above interactive map shows both the 10 regions as well as the voting precincts within each of those regions.
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